To continue all the research of all Bach genealogists: That is my hobby. To my left, that is Mrs. Brück.
In remembrance to this likable Bach genealogist Helga Brück in Erfurt: Without her research we would have never found our passion: Please watch the ultra short video, which we have produced with her in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany.
There is much more to read about genealogy in general and about the genealogy of the Bach family of musicians on the website Bach on Bach. Also, whether you might belong to the musician family. Just click on the yellow button, and you will be there immediately.
Is it really true? It's a probability of 99.99 percent it's correct: There is no Great-great... grandson of Johann Sebastian Bach with the name of Bach. There are relatives with the name of Bach and there are great-great... grandchildren of him. No combination of both. However, who knows that for sure. In particular in the genealogy of the Bach family of musicians there is still one surprise after the next one.
Keyword Bach genealogy or Bach family research. Bach ancestor research might work as well. Maybe I am looking – right now in these days – for you. But I can't find you. More precisely: I will never be able to find you. That is – in the genealogy – a problem in our time. However, it always has been that way: Local authorities and also church administrations just don't hand out data "of still living folks" for a good reason. And that is, of course, a good thing in principle.
However, it's a problem with doing genealogical research. And it goes without saying, it's also true with the Bach Genealogy, which is the research in the matter of the family of musicians. By the way, you are correct: Genealogy, family research and ancestry is the same ... it's three times the same thing and I repeat myself additionally. However, I do that for a really good reason.
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Never ever would we have assumed, to meet the original photo one day. Meanwhile, we got his particular priceless photo as a gift ... and in particular ... the original. These are those moments, when this hobby genealogy produces real goosebumps.
Not the previous "bible of genealogy" on the musician family of Johann Sebastian Bach, the meticulous and clear as well as outstanding compilation and the book of Ragnhild Siegl and Herrmann Kock and also not the work of Kurt-Herrmann Frickel, who after all received the Federal Cross of Merit for his Bach research, contain the current data, that is the continuation of the Bach genealogy into today. And authorities are also not the only hurdle to get to so much desired key data. But also a very wide and high and not surmountable hurdle. And yet my husband succeeded with his idea ... and his studies afterwards ... little by little to complete this valuable data.
You can find such treasures only indirectly via the internet. That is, first you find relatives, then the cool photos. And yes, indeed, the store owners of the musical instrument store in the picture are actually Bache from the family of musicians. In the USA.
That's right, you can actually find me, and it's perfectly aligned with our search behavior in the 21st century. In the internet age. In the past, the family book was the first source of information in this hobby of genealogy. Well, it still is today. Grandma and grandpa followed as sources of information. After that, usually more accessible: parents and parents-in-law. Whoever managed to interview the great-grandmother had practically hit the jackpot when it came to genealogy. As a rule, however, people are only interested in genealogical research when grandma has just died. Experts confirm that interest begins around the age of 50.
The next round of your own genealogical research, however, used to lead you to the nearest relevant ecclesiastical archive ... or to the city archive ... or also to a nice person in the genealogy association. But ... what do you do first today? Okay, the family book is and remains, as mentioned, still the first document in which you look. But then? Well, sure ... then you google. For example. "Bach" and "genealogy" or "Bach" and "family research" or simply "Bach" and "genealogy". And you hope.
As described above, this also works for a very specific search, namely ours. Finding results on the first ten pages of Google with the name "Bach" is practically impossible. At least that was the case five years ago, when the first 100 pages of Google were flooded with a "Johann Christoph Bach" and you couldn't find any references to the other Bachs with this first name. Today you find "Bach on Bach" and that ... helps now already a quite big piece forward. But also we are still searching, and we only really get ahead via "still living Bachs". If we cannot find them, these Bachs, that is you, then there is only one option, that is "to be found". And we want to be found. With the terms "Bach" and "genealogy", "Bach" and "family research" and "Bach" and "ancestor research". And we want to "pick you up" on the internet.
Pick you up. What does that mean? We already assumed earlier that this exciting trend hobby family research interests more and more people. And if your name is Bach, then you can quickly get the idea to somehow "check" on the internet whether you quite possibly also belong to these musical Bachs. So, we would do it, if we had not found our way from a completely different corner to the musical family Bach. That is one way. Because if you are travelling on the internet like this, then you could exactly because of this, right here ... exactly on this page ... read now. Because we managed to draw your attention to us, exactly with this page, on exactly this website. Or one of our other, similar websites in the project and in our mission, which deals with the musician family Bach and their genealogy. We write regarding these keywords in such a way that these pages – on Google – rank very high, that is they are placed on page one. Just in case you are interested in it and search there.
Another way would be, of course, if you are looking for a gift that has to do with Johann Sebastian Bach. And on the start page of my store website "Bach 4 You" you have seen the hint to the family research in the matter of Bach. And now and therefore you are here reading these lines. Anyway: We have found each other now. Thanks to this new, exciting option in the genealogy, the family research in the matter of Bach on the internet.
Of course ... he is one of these Bachs. ––
Of course, you are now very interested in finding out whether your roots go back to the family tree of musicians. And we can certainly help you with that. If ... yes, if there is already a little bit pointing to it.
So "just have the name of Bach" ... is not quite enough. But there could be more indications. Family research, genealogy is not only based on documentary mentions. Not when it comes to prominent personalities like Johann Sebastian Bach or Martin Luther. Even the recognized research around the beginning of the musician family does not get along without circumstantial evidence at all. What is meant would lead here too far. Much ... too far. However, it's not on a different page on a different website.
Would you like to learn more about the Bach genealogy and about its beginning? If your name is Bach in addition, and you think you belong to this Bach family, it's as exciting as "digging out Troy again": If so, please read about that on the matching page and for that please click here or on the yellow button to your right.
Accordingly, the following could be your next step. Why don't you put together some records? Death dates, birthdates, names, place and city names. Especially also names of wives. Build a small first family tree with special emphasis on the connection to Johann Sebastian Bach or his family. And then email us. We will go together with you at least a little bit, but maybe the whole remaining way. Because if you " are one of them ", then we not only complete your Bach Genealogy, but we are then even one family.
Okay, so I am excited to get a call or an email from you
Yours Renate Bach, "Bach genealogist of the next generation"
Even if he has no reason to show up here on this website of my Publishing House and right in the middle of my passion inside our common "Johann Sebastian Bach Mission", he just wanted to be here with at least one pic.
Well, okay, it was he who came up with the idea, how we could find you, or better ... you will find us.
He as well is looking forward to your call or your email, whether from Germany, from the Netherlands or from the US. By the way, his name is Peter Bach Jr.!
A dreamlike composers calendar. But there are 32 more composers calendars besides this one.
A historic Bach beer stein on the left, the current pipe organ calendar on the right. To the shop.
1,000+ more music gifts, T-shirts, music calendars (... in two styles). Learn more with a click here.
Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)